Hannibal Andersen creates images, objects, and interventions that investigate the logic of economic thinking and its effects on society. Exploring themes and fictions such as money, debt, property relations and the implications of relentless privatization, his works inquire wryly into the authority and invisible power of capital and its ideological crutch.

Andersen's work has been exhibited widely in Denmark and abroad, including at P.A.D. Projects in New York, MAXXI in Rome, PET Projects in Athens, and Rønnebæksholm, Den Frie, Vermillion Sands and Kunsthal Charlottenborg.           




Forbes: "These Colors Are Corporate Trademarks. A Danish Artist Coopted Them To Make A More Truthful Logo"

Berlingske: Interview med Hannibal Andersen

DR P1, Kulturen: "Hvem ejer farverne?" from 14:06

DR P1, Uden titel: #32 med Rosa Marie Frang

Radio4 Kræs: Interview med Hannibal Andersen. Fra 15.20

TV2 Lorry: "Kendte firmaer bruger farverne på dette gavlmaleri..."

Information: Boganmeldelse. Kunstner udstiller, hvad der sker, når store virksomheder privatiserer vores sanser

Børsen: "Kan man eje en farve?". Anbefaling

Kunsthal Charlottenborg: The Abstract Expression of Privatization

Vermilion Sands: Everything Under the Sun

Den Frie: På korte kontrakter

Artviewer.org: Art in Saxo Bank: An Informal Meeting

F.eks.: Alt skal væk!